
Published on by Stevie Holt

I honestly thought my final blog would have been yesterday, but things happened beyond anyones control and I spent most of the day on 2 cleansing drips, cleaning my blood, body after the effects of the previous day.

Today, 16/07/2014, exactly 1 month after being taken into the care of this truly fantastic team of people, and I mean that from the 2 at the top to the maybe not as prolific but almost as equally important other team members, the cooks, cleaners, nurses etc, I am down for final blood tests, removal of line and discharge at 13.00 hrs.

This is a holy place. As a not particularly religious person I have found peace and sanctity here, surrounded by the love of strangers all willing each other on in the pursuit of a better life. Im not going to mention names for fear of missing someone out, but I genuinely believe I have made life long friends here, that I will be seeing again.

We all know that Dr Fedorenko is a genius and has given us a wonderful opportunity to right wrongs in our bodies, but remember his work is done. Ours has just begun.We need to follow his advice to the letter on training, resting and dieting and ensure we all get maximum gain here. You know nothing would make the good Doc happier.

And so to the carers and helpers and staff at the Pirogrov,Moscow, I salute you.

And I thank you xx

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Comment on this post
While acknowledging that you are thankful, what happened the &quot;previous day&quot;? Was that the Ribix thing? And you didn't blog just because you were busy? I guess in confused about the first paragraph. <br /> <br /> But sounds like you are finished and on your way home. I'm sure you've still got a long road ahead. I hope you'll continue to keep us posted.
Truly inspirational mate :-) x
Always been a motto of mine out of every negative situation you can always turn a situation into a positive one courage spirit love in your belly and you can turn things into such a positive life changing have certainly done that I've always said to you cream always rises to the surface what a special human being you are and with Carol your extra special pass on my regards to all your friends over there god bless them all can't wait to see you when you get back all our love xxx
You are an inspiration Steve! No other words needed xx
OK you put a tear in my eyes! This is what I feel about these doctors in each of these facilities that restore lives through HSCT! I praise you for praising even the little people in the background. They do indeed serve very well from all accounts! You are going to do very well Sir Stevie!
You are a star!