Day 3. Test Results.

Published on by Stevie Holt

Firstly let me apologise. Im getting messages on this blog and for some reason I can't reply. Im sure its nothing to do with me and my ability (not) but anyway you can get me on Facebook, Stevie Holt,

Slept well last night, woke up at 8.45am and had just got dressed after shower when I was wheeled off for an ultra sound scan on my abdomen.

Tests have been a plenty and so thorough, but wheeled back to room and told eye test later.

Whilst sitting in room waiting, Dr Fedorenko shows up with a folder full of results and my mri's under his arm. He methodically explained each test and what the result meant. He graciously listened to our (Carol and I) questions and answered in full. He never rushed at all, explained the difference between full-myelo and non-myelo and explained why other clinics won't accept pwppms, and why he disagrees with them. (Most neuros look at mri and see no inflammation, he says there is inflammation because of the progression and a better mri machine would show it.)

We then looked at the mri I had yesterday and he pointed out the non active lesions on my brain and the damage to my cerebral spine. We discussed how long since I was diagnosed (3yrs,) my progression in the last 18 months and then he said I was an ideal candidate for transplantation!!!! So so pleased. He went on to say 80% possibility of halting progression and 50-60% chance of improvement! Carol burst into tears and if I could stand up I would have river danced right there and then!!

He then said that beating this is a team effort, he and the medicals are 50% and us and our support network are the other 50%. Together, we can stop this disease. And we can, we know we can.

So he may start us off tomorrow, but more than likely Friday, and you know what, bring it on.

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Comment on this post
River Dance..REALLY!! I'd PAY to see that!!! :-) ... If it works Stevie we'll dance a duet!!! :-)
Great update Stevie! ;)<br /> <br /> Your positive vibes about the Dr. and everything there encourage me tremendously!<br /> <br /> Best wishes for the next few days! ;-)
HAPPY DANCE LINK UNTIL &quot;YOU&quot; can dance<br />;utm_campaign=Sharer+PopUp&amp;utm_content=happy&amp;utm_medium=Share&amp;utm_source=Facebook
Such great news!
Great news! xx